SCIENCE + ART Fall 2019 events
Experiment with Cultivate. New venues. New nights. New #SciArt mashups.
Something Different for Happy Hour...
Enjoy a little science presentation, art creation, and conversation.
$15, Students FREE, Educator discount. No experience needed!
This is meant to be a fun, informal, community event for adults & youths.
Be sure to keep scrolling down to see the latest, as we continue to add events.

549 East Bay St. • . Charleston, SC
Great food and happy hour specials. Free parking.
As every gardener knows, their harvest bounty depends on a delicate balance with weather and pests. While large scale agriculture relies on pesticides to keep insects at bay, did you know there is an alternate tiny warrior protecting our tomato and watermelon fields? Predator mites, difficult to see with the naked eye, are voracious carnivores feeding on spider mites and other pesty herbivores that torment farmers. Dr. Monica Farfan researches these mites and foodweb dynamics at the Clemson University Coastal Research and Education Center in Charleston, S.C. Could this be a biological control to reduce dependence on pesticides? Monica will share insights from her research. And we will draw inspiration from this interesting bugs to sculpt our own clay critters.

549 East Bay St. • . Charleston, SC
Great food and happy hour specials. Free parking.
Professor Ken Catchpole, SmartState Endowed Chair in Clinical Practice and Human Factors at the Medical University of South Carolina, has spent over 20 years researching how human behaviour is shaped by context, and applying that knowledge to the design of technological systems. For the last 17 years this work has been focused on improving safety in healthcare, working with surgical teams to understand why they make mistakes and how to avoid them. We are excited for him to share how his research applies to everything from driving fast to losing our keys. Spoiler alert - Is there really such thing as human error? We will use coffee stained paper to create “Oooo-Oops Art” and make happy accidents out of what is as we unpack the cause of human errors. And check out his TEDx talk if you can’t wait for the event:

We breath every day and rarely are conscious of it. But did you know deep breathing can be a healing practice? Dr. Sundar Balasubramanian is a cell biology researcher at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) who studies mechanisms involved in resistance to cancer therapy. He is also a practicing yogi, yoga biology researcher and founder of PranaScience Institute. His book, PranaScience: Decoding Yogic Breathing, explains his research and personal journey through the practice of yoga breathing. Or you can hear about it in person when you join us in celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday, October 14th with a free community dinner thanks to the sponsorship of Holy Cow Yoga and Destiny Community Cafe who will be hosting the event. Enjoy delicious food and good company as we learn how deep breathing techniques benefit the immune and nervous systems in our bodies. And we will draw inspiration from mandalas as we practice the art of relaxing through repeated patterns. And everyone will get to take home their own colorful, geometric art creations.
6-8pm enjoy a short science presentation, art creation, community conversations and family-style dinner.
Find out more about Destiny "Pay-What-You-Can" Community Cafe and see our past events there. It is a very special place that feeds both body and soul!

289 Huger St • . Charleston, SC
Great food and happy hour specials. Free parking.
$1/pint will be donated to support more Community Science + Art!
Photos by J. Bramblett & LR McKellar
It’s a great day in South Carolina...except for those days when flooded streets back up traffic, damage houses and limit access to hospitals and emergency response vehicles. With our surrounding marshes and shorelines expected to be 17 more inches underwater by 2050 -- six more inches in just the next 13 years - how are we going to adapt? Just how much water can our engineers hold back or build around? Jared Bramblett is an engineer specializing in hydrology and hydraulics and has over 12 years of experience working with public and private sector clients throughout the southeast. Learn about stormwater master plans, watershed assessments, flood mitigation, large-scale drainage improvements, green infrastructure design & implementation, and coastal resilience projects! All while enjoying food and drinks and his striking photography to help illustrate. And Marielena will introduce us to Calder inspired kinetic mobiles Like water management, the art to mobile making also depends on physics. Put on your engineering hats to design your own mobiles to take home.

1300 Rutledge Ave. • . Charleston, SC
Great food, $1 off happy hour all event long. Free parking.
10% evening sales will be donated by Rutledge Cab Co. to support more Community Science + Art!
And wear your "I Voted" sticker for chance to win Cultivate t-shirt.
The human brain is a mind-blowing network of neurons and chemicals, blood vessels and connective tissues, salts and electricity. Together they control our perceptions, thoughts and actions. Dr. Chris Korey's lab advances our understanding of how the nervous system works through the tiny brains of fruit flies. So how different are we? What are scientists learning thanks to these little guys and other model systems? Be prepared to be surprised. Chris leads a highly active undergraduate research lab that in true liberal arts fashion intersects across disciplines and departments, including the Center for Academic Performance & Persistence and Women’s & Gender Studies. “Ninjas vs. professors” -- you’d be forgiven if you confused Dr. Chris Korey for either. And in her own ninja-esque fashion, Marielena Martinez will introduce us to techniques to harness our left brain versus right brain skills for drawing. Think you don’t have a strong “artsy” brian...Wait till you see what your right side can create!