SCIENCE ART 2018 Workshop Series
1956 Maybank Hwy (next to the Terrace Theatre)
Something Different for Happy Hour...Tuesdays, 6-8pm
Enjoy a little science presentation, art creation, and conversation.
Great food and happy hour specials including half price bottles of wine.
$15 - Learn, Create & take home original Art. Free for students.
No experience needed!
This is meant to be a fun, informal, community event for adults & young adults.

Upcoming Science Art Nights:
Past Science Art Nights:
Tuesday October 23rd, 6 - 8pm
Halloween Special
"Hobgoblins in the Sea"

with Dr. Bob Podolsky
Marine Invertebrate Researcher, Professor, Department of Biology, College of Charleston, Grice Marine Labs
And local artist Marielena Martinez teaches:
Spooky Real Watercolor & Inks

B. Podolsky
Clypeaster rosaceus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Pluteus larval form of Sand Dollar
Tuesday October 9th, 6 - 8pm
"Cryptic Critters Invading Charleston"

with Katie Harper, M.S.
Molecular & Invasive Species Biologist
College of Charleston, Grice Marine Biology Program Alumna
Is Tissue Paper the Answer?
with local artist Marielena Martinez

Tuesday April 24th, 6 - 8pm
"TURTLES: Easy to Love...A Little More Difficult to Study"

with Jeff Schwenter, M.S.
Dept. of Natural Resources, Turtle Biologist
College of Charleston, Grice Marine Biology Program Alumnus
And local artist Marielena Martinez teaches:
Turtles, Gaudi, Mosaics, Oh My!

Provide dignity to battered & homeless women with new bras and underwear. Bring a donation and help change a life.
Tuesday April 10th, 6 - 8pm

with Dr. Maureen Hays
Anthropology Professor with the College of Charleston
And local artist Marielena Martinez explores:
Venus Through the Ages, with Clay.

"Paleolithic Figurines & And Early Evidence for Undergarments and Other Textiles"

Tuesday March 27th, 6 - 8pm
"Marine Tales from the Gulf of Maine"

And local artist Marielena Martinez teaches:
Pop Art Print Triptych with Recycled-styrofoam
with Dr. Bobbie Lyon
College of Charleston, Grice Marine Labs
Bowdoin College, Coastal Studies Scholar

Tuesday March 13th, 6 - 8pm
"Choking on Plastics? - Data from Charleston's Coasts & Critters"

with Kea Payton, M.S.
Marine Science Educator with Patriots Point & Keep Charleston Beautiful, Charleston SCUBA Instructor, and Grice Marine Biology Program Alumna
And local artist Marielena Martinez teaches:
Found Object Animal Spirit Sculptures

Science + Art Happy Hour Workshops!
Bowties Speakeasy (formerly How Art Thou Cafe)
1956 Maybank Hwy (next to the Terrace Theatre)
Something Different for Happy Hour...Tuesdays, 6-8pm.
Enjoy a little science presentation, art creation, and conversation.
Great food and happy hour specials including half price bottles of wine.
$15 - Learn, Create & take home original Art. Free for students.
No experience needed!
This is meant to be a fun, informal, community event for adults & young adults.