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Rising Seas and Raging Storms...The New Norm?

April 5th, 2016

Presented by: Dr. Bobbie Lyon, College of Charleston Dept. of Biology and Bowdoin College Coastal Studies Scholar, Brienne Oliver and Lisa Shimko, art instructors

There was a sea of concern and inspiration during Dr. Bobbie Lyon’s science presentation on sea-level rise and increased storm intensity from past to present. Dr. Lyon’s talk was filled with imagery and expression as she addressed emerging issues. While participants listened, they began to use ink pens to outline their thoughts, convection lines, flooded streets, and a world in peril. Watercolor was used to wash over the pen to illustrate warm and cool temperatures from the maps and photographs in the presentation. Over the years the United States has seen escalating devastation from Hurricanes such as Hugo, Katrina, and Sandy despite the frequency of Atlantic hurricanes being minimized by El Nino from 2014 to 2016. Due to changing climates, the southeast coast of the United States is seeing more intense storms and rising seas that are inundating the streets and cities. For present-day Charleston, SC, it is not uncommon for streets to flood during the sunny day high tide events… get ready to grab your kayaks!


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Want to know how you can help our Charleston coast? These rising sea levels are doing a lot more than flooding. Some of these beautiful beaches are starting to erode away, and Charleston Climate Coalition (CCC) is here to help. CCC helps with conservation and often organizes community volunteer events to fight for environmental justice.


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